We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. - George Bernard Shaw

15 December 2009

Week 10, Thing 21: YouTube

First of all, I can't believe it's already week ten. Insanity.

YouTube offers viewers a lot of funny, silly, and entertaining videos. Sometimes, if I have a song in my head I look it up on YouTube and listen to it that way instead of downloading the song from iTunes. YouTube also served as the birthplace of the phenomena that are viral videos, short, usually funny videos that become extremely popular. Here's an example of one.

But YouTube hosts many tutorials and informational videos too. Many of them are clear and straight forward but others are done in tongue-and-cheek. I found this one on the Dewey Decimal System:

and this one on the importance of digital preservation:

I think YouTube is a good way for libraries, museums, and archives to advertise their collections to a wider audience. Many of these institutions already have channels on YouTube devoted to highlighting certain items from their collections. YouTube and other photo sharing websites are really great resources.

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