We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. - George Bernard Shaw

12 November 2010

Friday Fantasies

This Friday Fantasies post is a bit rushed as we're off to Grant Lawrence's book launch at the Drake Hotel. I thought I'd post some really fun fashion blogs that I've been following, some for about a year and some more recently. These girls are funny and I appreciate their different senses of style. Enjoy!

jenloveskev.com - Jen and her hubby just had a little girl and this blog chronicles her life as a new mother while she maintains her fashionable style.

whatiwore.tumblr.com - Jessica and her husband just moved to Indiana from Brooklyn, NY. For me, Jessica is the most daring and dynamic with her fashion choices.

whatwouldanerdwear.blogspot.com - Tania's blog is about dressing for a grad student lifestyle, including the budget. I always love her outfits. 

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