We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. - George Bernard Shaw

07 December 2010

A Victorian Farm Christmas...

I am a big fan of all things British - history, Jamie Oliver, Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall, Top Gear, BBC, football, Quality Street chocolates, etc. Mostly the history though. Last night, I was excited to see that Victorian Farm Christmas was finally airing here in Canada (we should really watch more TVO).

Victorian Farm Christmas is a follow-up to Victorian Farm, a documentary where a historian and two archaeologists live and work on a Victorian farm for a year. In the Christmas version, Ruth, Alex, and Peter return to the Shropshire farm to get ready for a full Victorian Christmas. The show is filmed at the approximately 900 year old Acton Scott Estate, which has preserved its 19th century working farm.

It was, in one word, fantastic. It was educational, interesting, and visually, very pretty. Last night, Alex and Peter harvested the hay using a wide range of Victorian farm equipment and selected a ram for breeding, while Ruth prepared the mince meat, and made bread, butter, and soap. The show was a wonderful example of public history. Ruth, Alex, and Peter were great presenters who are excited about what they are doing.

Victorian Farm Christmas airs on TVO at 7 on Mondays. I look forward to the next episodes!

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